Sunday 1 May 2016

Sunday lunch

I'm really not the sort of person who normally does lunch. Especially not a smart hotel in Richmond. However, when you're given a gift it would be rude not to make the most of it. So, planned in for the re-fuelling part of Day 1 was Sunday Lunch at The Petersham Hotel, Richmond with the lovely daughter. We'd arranged for her to bring some fresh clothes so I didn't let the side down completely and we made it in good time courtesy of a black cab as the 65 bus timetable failed us :-(

The dining room is gorgeous with amazing views out over Petersham Meadows and the river. We weren't right next to the window but our waiter did explain that can be a good thing when it's sunny. We could keep up with the wanderings of the cows and the movements of a dinghy with a very colourful sail.

Faced with a proper long wine list I managed to pick an Australian Cabernet-Merlot which we both liked and it didn't disagree with the tonsilitis. The food was lovely, well presented, not too small, not too big. I had a beetroot salad thing with whipped goat cheese and heritage tomatoes = multicoloured and LD had salmon. For mains, we had polenta and mushroom tart with rocket salad (no parmesan) and beef. The whole experience was delightful. The pouring of the wine was at the right time, we were only asked once if everything was ok and if you needed anything it was very easy to get someone's attention. They apologised profusely for a delay in our desserts arriving. LD had spotted a problem, they'd made the wrong sort of chocolate pud - a delice rather than a fondant - and so had to go away and start again. They noticed before it got to our table but only just!

The hotel is also in a beautiful building and grounds. The clientele was very definitely of the Richmond old school. Plus us, of course.

A very civilised afternoon. When we grow we're going to go there again for afternoon tea. In the meantime I have to write a thank you letter to the people who gave me the lunch voucher.

Petersham Hotel entrance hall

Petersham Hotel

I think it's a bull rather than a cow

Marble Hill House complete with paddle boarders

To round it all off, we walked down the river past Ham House to catch the bus at the end of Sandy Lane. I didn't Garmin it.

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